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jsmooth에서 <currentDirectory>${EXECUTABLEPATH}</currentDirectory> 의미


이게 무슨 말이냐.. jsmooth를 사용해서 C:\SHOW\test.exe 파일을 만들었고, 그것을 실행할때 current directory를 만하는 것이다. 

그런데 여기서 EXECUTABLEPATH 의미는 실행파일이 있는 경로를 이야기한다. 

여기선 "C:\SHOW\"를 말한다. 

이렇게 되면 절대 경로를 입력해줄 필요가 없어진다. 

아래는 메뉴얼 내용 중 일부 Special Values

You can use the Java Property mechanism to pass special values to your java app.

  • Environment Variable: If you pass a string of the form %ENV% in the value field of the property, the wrappers will replace the string with the content of the ENV environment variable.

    For instance, to pass the content of the JAVA_HOME environment variable, adds %JAVA_HOME% in the Value field.

  • JSmooth also makes some special variable accessible for your application.




    Replaced by the path to the executable binary. For instance, if the executable binary launched is located at c:/program files/jsmooth/test.exe, this variable is replaced with c:/program files/jsmooth


    Replaced by the name of the executable binary. For instance, if the executable binary launched is located at c:/program files/jsmooth/test.exe, this variable is replaced with test.exe


    Replaced by the name of the computer.


    Replaced by the name of the selection method used to spawn the JVM. The value replaced is typically one of the following values:

    • registry, when the VM location is found in the registry

    • jdkpath, when the VM if found in the %JDK_HOME% variable

    • jrepath, when the VM if found in the %JRE_HOME% variable

    • javahome, when the VM if found in the %JAVA_HOME% variable

    • jview, if the VM is JView

    • exepath, if the VM was found in the windows path

    • bundled, if the VM bundled with the application is used


    This variable is replaced by one of the following values:

    • JVMDLL if the JVM is spawned using a DLL loading and instanciation

    • PROC if the JVM is spawned in a new process using the Windows' CreateProcess function